OVERSIZED WORKWEAR OVER SHIRT // From Cos — H&M’s refined older sister brand — a perfect layer for Fall.
SUNGLASSES // Favorite sunglasses I’ve ever purchased. Price ($32.39) only adds to their appeal.
WOOL STRIPED FRINGE RUG // I recently switched out my desk for a rustic Spanish dining table (like this one), which has set me on the hunt for a rug for the office (I like to call it a studio when I’m feeling fancy). This is a front-runner.
COLOR STACK BOOKS // A pre-curated selection of color-coordinated books makes for turnkey styling.
JUTE TILED RUG // An alternative to the original Rush House seagrass rug, which is not the best option for households with dogs. Ask me how I know.
FIRE BOWL // Sub-70 degrees calls for a fire. We’ve had this fire bowl for years and it’s stood the test of disuse, salt air, and humidity just fine.
FALSA BLANKET // While I was (unsuccessfully) trying to start a fire last night, I thought to myself how nice it would look to have individual blankets on each chair around the fire. And, while enjoying the brief warmth and glow from the paper I set on fire, I found these classic falsa blankets.
DISPLAY EASEL // Perfect for renters with a budding art collection and a healthy fear of patching nail holes in their rental’s walls. An oddly specific recommendation? Yes. A good opportunity to share that command strips are just as damaging (if not more so) to paint and drywalls? Definitely. A convenient opportunity to gently encourage you to be kind to your property manager? Obviously.
LARGE SUEDE TOTE // It’s giving Longchamp but cooler.
ROLLNECK SWEATER // P.S. It’s on sale!
THE SLOWDOWN by LEANNE FORD // Potentially unpopular opinion: Leanne Ford was the best designer HGTV ever gave a show to. I’ll rewatch Restored by The Fords for easy Sunday morning TV and ample inspiration. So, naturally, her debut book is on its way to my doorstep.
BAMBOO DIRECTOR’S CHAIRS // $131.29 for a set of two. And they look better than the price would lead you to believe. Currently styled in our bedroom ready to be toted outside for a fire or to the dining room for when we have company.
Asterisks indicates that the item has been sourced from a small business. Where possible, sources for locally-owned shops that carry the item(s) are also listed so you can support them in-person! Please note I may earn commission when you shop certain links, though I also encourage you to let them know in the checkout or notes section that the WEEKLY sent you! Thank you for supporting my small business!